Sethna's 18th West Bombay Scout Group

India's Oldest Scout Group

Continuously Running since August 14, 1914

Proposed Rover Bike Outing to TARAPUR.

The Rover Crew has planned for a Rover outing to Tarapur, Maharashtra. The idea is to have more outings in more build a more cohesive and strong rover crew. The outing will be first on many to come this year.

Below are the buddy teams that have been formed (based on the confirmation given last Sunday). The bike rider in each team is listed first.

1. Neville Mistry & Nazban Mistry

2. Yazad Mistry & Hasnoor Daruwala

3. Marespand Dadchandji & Cherag Karkaria

4. Jezil Bhesadia & Mehernosh Patel

5. Homiar Hathiram & Shahrukh Patel

Petrol to shared by Rider & Pillion 50:50.

Helmet compulsory for all members. Repeat COMPULSORY

Only one haversack per bike. The pillion is responsible for the haversack.


4th March 2006

2.45 p.m. Assemble at Tutorial School

3.00 p.m. Sharp for Tarapur.

6.30 p.m. Estimated time of arrival at Tarapur

7.30 p.m. Night Dinner and Campfire (Each team to give a small performance.

9.30 p.m. Stargazing and discussion on responsibilities of the rover crew.

5th March 2006

7.00 a.m. Rouse & exercise (optional)

8.30 am Breakfast

9.30 am Visit Tarapur beach – Games and swimming

11.30 am Visit Portugese Fort and Market

12.30 pm Bathe & visit Fire Temple.

13.30 pm Lunch & Rest

15.30 pm Leave for Mumbai

19.30 p.m. Estimated time of arrival at Mumbai

The cost will be as under

Boarding Rs. 40

Breakfast- Rs.30

Lunch – Rs. 100

Dinner – Rs. 120

Total Rs 290

We are trying for a discount (nothing confirmed). We are meeting tomorrow at Tutorial for pre-trip meeting @ 8.00 p.m. Please be there on time.

I would like to thank Mehernosh & Yazad for getting the bookings etc done. As always, please inform others rovers who are interested. The More the merrier.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated co-operation.

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