Sethna's 18th West Bombay Scout Group

India's Oldest Scout Group

Continuously Running since August 14, 1914

Najamai Sethna


Najamai popularly called Naja Aunty had been with the Group ever since 1921 when she married late Sethna Sir. She has been a mother figure to all the boys passing through the Group and has really done excellent service. She gave the boys her love, affection and kind care at all times. She is remembered even now for her gentleness, compassion and for her feeling for the boys by all the old members of the Group.

She always treated the Cubs and Scouts as her sons. When Sethna Sir was seriously ill, due to a severe heart attack, the only persons allowed to meet Sethna Sir were the senior boys ( her sons ) of the Scout Group to the exclusion of other relatives.

She was always by the side of her husband and encouraged and helped him to achieve his goals. In the Siver Jubilee brochure Sethna Sir wrote:- “ In the prosecution of my aims and ideals, I am happy to record the devoted cooperation from my wife Mrs. Najamai Sethna. With her by my side in the last 18 years veritably as my other half, I have been able better to guide the destiny of the boys who through the kindness of their parents were placed under my charge.”

After the death of Sethna Sir, she delivered to a Senior Scouter three Bonds of Bombay Port Trust for Rs. 1,000 each, although they were in the joint names of herself and Sethna Sir- this because Sethna Sir had in pencil inscribed on the Bonds “P.S.S.”( Parsee Scouting Society ). She said “ since these Bonds are meant for the Scouts, how can I keep them “

She was present at every Annual Camp and gave personal attention and supervision to the food as also towards the comforts and well being of the Cubs.

She was the President of Sethna’s Scouting Society since its inception in 1955 till her death in July 1991.

Writing about a lady like her, is difficult nay impossible, since there are no words adequate to express the feelings of the boys or to state of the selfless continuous service rendered by her to the Group.